Graduate Student Placement

Since 1996, the department of religion has granted 73 PhDs and more than 70 master's degrees.

The vast majority—nearly 75%—of the department’s PhD graduates have secured faculty or administrative positions in higher education. Approximately 37% of our PhDs have accepted tenure-track positions at a range of public and private institutions including Louisiana State University, Gonzaga University, University of Northern Iowa, and Radboud University (Holland). 18% were employed as non-tenure-track faculty, 12% found work in higher-education administration, and 8% received postdoctoral or visiting-faculty positions. A small percentage of students have found employment in related fields, including secondary education, nonprofit work, and publishing.

Many of the graduates from our MA program continue on in the department’s PhD program, while others pursue opportunities outside of academia. A significant number of our MA graduates have earned acceptance (many with full funding) into some of the most highly ranked PhD programs in the United States and abroad, including Columbia University, Harvard Divinity School, Northwestern University, Oxford University, Stanford University, the University of Toronto, and the University of Virginia.

If you are a graduate of the FSU Department of Religion, you are invited to send us a note (to be published on our placement webpages) telling us what you've been up to. Please send all messages to Dr. Matthew Goff, Director of Graduate Studies.