1st Annual Allison Elizabeth Overholt Scholarship

The Department remembered the late Allison Overholt this year by awarding the first Allison Elizabeth Overholt scholarship. Allison was a religion major who died suddenly last February 2019, and this scholarship memorializes her love for the study of Religion by helping to defray the costs of FSU tuition. This year’s scholarship went to Hunter Johnson, who is, among other things, an engaged and engaging major, and a rising senior. She is working on an honor's thesis with Dr. Adam Gaiser that examines material practices surrounding food and the Nation of Islam. In Dr. Laura McTighe's class this past Spring, she was voted Most Likely to Really Really Care and Make Everyone Feel Loved in their end-of-semester superlatives list/all class appreciation. Hunter is also affiliated with SISTUHS, Incorporated, FSU's Black Student Union (in their Seminole Minority Leadership Institute), the Big Sister Little Sister program, as well as the National Organization for Women. So, like Allison, she combines stellar academic work, a strong curiosity about her fellow human beings, and a desire to make a difference outside of a classroom setting.