Florida State University was one of the first state universities in the nation to offer graduate study in religion and today the Department continues to play a leading role, nationally and internationally, in training the top tier of scholars in the academic study of religion. Our graduates have secured competitive tenure-track positions at universities and colleges in the US. Led by some of the most prominent scholars in the field, we offer a wide array of seminars and many opportunities for individual mentoring by faculty. We encourage our students to publish in leading scholarly venues and to present their research at national and international conferences. They also gain a range of invaluable teaching experience as graduate instructors for our vibrant undergraduate religion major. Students who choose to study with our department will find a collegial intellectual and learning environment characterized by cooperation, respect, and good humor. In addition to our annual Graduate Symposium, we sponsor excellent lectures throughout the year. Information about applying to our program can be found on our admissions page.
Graduate Degree Programs
Our Graduate Program has four “tracks” of study, American Religious History (ARH), History and Ethnography of Religions (HER), Religion, Ethics, and Philosophy (REP), and Religions of Western Antiquity (RWA). Each track has specific degree requirements. Students admitted to one of the four tracks will be advised by faculty in that area. They will also take courses and fulfill some of their degree requirements outside that area. It is a general policy of the department to admit only full-time students to the Graduate Program in Religion. Most accepted graduate student, including MA students, receive funding to defray the cost of their graduate education.
For assistance with logistical matters involving application to the Graduate Program, arrangements for visiting, and questions about University regulations and procedures, contact Chris O'Neal at coneal@fsu.edu. For online information about University policies regarding graduate study, please consult the Graduate Bulletin.