Fall 2018 Undergrad Religion Symposium: Call For Papers


SORCE (Students Organized for Religious and Cultural Exploration)--otherwise known as the "Religion Club"--is thrilled to announce that this semester's undergraduate religion symposium will occur on December 8, 2018, from 9 am to 3 pm in the Dodd Hall Religion/Classics Library.

Please submit your paper or poster proposals to esw17c@my.fsu.edu with the following information by Saturday, Nov. 17 at 11:59 pm:

  • A clear thesis statement 
  • An abstract of at least 150 words summarizing the paper or poster's content; use up to 300 words if you wish

We seek paper and poster submissions from students interested in presenting on student panels. Papers will be ten-minutes in length. Poster presentations are also an option. Any topic related to the field of religious studies is acceptable! Students are welcome to present on work they have done for a current or previous religion-related FSU course, independent research project, DIS, or honors thesis. 

Full papers should consist of no more than five double-spaced pages in 12 pt. Times New Roman font with one-inch margins on all sides.

Even if you have yet to complete your paper or poster-related research, we encourage you to apply, as long as you will have five pages of material to present by Saturday, Dec. 8. Lunch will be provided at the symposium.