Laura McTighe

Associate Professor of Religion

Photo: Laura McTighe

Contact Information

American Religious History
Office Location
107B Dodd Hall
Resume / CV

Laura McTighe (Ph.D., Columbia University) is a leading scholar-activist in the fields of race, religion, abolition and mutual aid. Her research, teaching, and service all center collaborative knowledge production as both theory and method for analyzing the violences of gendered racial capitalism in our everyday lives, and for dreaming beyond what is to build together the world that must be. She is the author with Women With A Vision (WWAV) of "Fire Dreams: Making Black Feminist Liberation in the South," published by Duke University Press in 2024. She also serves as principal investigator on two major public humanities projects funded through generous grants from the Henry Luce Foundation: “Creating the World Anew: Religion, Economy, and Mutual Aid” and “The Callie House Project: Religion and Public Health in the Black Experience in the American South.” Both of these projects align closely with her next book project, "Abolition is Sacred Work."

McTighe’s publications are available on her webpage.

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