Aline Kalbian

Professor of Religion
Associate Dean, College of Arts & Sciences

Aline Kalbian

Contact Information

Religion, Ethics, and Philosophy
Office Location
110 Longmire
Resume / CV
Office Hours

TBA and by appointment

Aline Kalbian (Ph.D., University of Virginia, religion and ethics) is associate dean of the College of Arts Sciences. Her areas of expertise include religious ethics, medical ethics, gender and Catholic ethics. Her research focuses on how moral traditions develop and change over time, especially on matters pertaining to gender, sexuality and medicine. She is the author of numerous articles and two books: "Sexing the Church: Gender, Power, and Ethics in Contemporary Catholicism" (Indiana University Press) and "Sex, Violence, Justice: Contraception and the Catholic Church" (Georgetown University Press). Kalbian co-edited the Journal of Religious Ethics from 2011 to  2021.

Research Interests

Bioethics and Religion
Catholic Moral Theology
Gender and Religion
Religious Ethics
  • “Social Change and Narrative Quests in Christian Smith’s What is a Person?” Journal of Religious Ethics, 42.1 (2014): 146-155. 
  • “Moral Traces and Relational Autonomy,” Soundings, 96.3 (2013); 280-296. 
  • “Sexuality in Religions,” in Hugh LaFollette, ed., International Encyclopedia of Ethics (Wiley-Blackwell, 2012). 
  • “Catholic and Contraception since 1968: Has Anything Really Changed?” Louvain Studies 36.1 (2012): 22–45.
  • “Considering the Risks to Economically Disadvantaged Egg Donors,” American Journal of Bioethics 11(7), September 2011.
  • "Christian Approaches to Reproductive Technology," in Faith in America, ed. Charles Lippy, 2 vols. Praeger Press, 2006. 
  • "John Paul II" in Alan Soble, ed., Sex from Plato to Paglia: A Philosophical Encyclopedia, 2 vols. Greenwood Press: Westport, Conn., 2006. 
  • "Narrative ARTifice and Women's Agency," Bioethics 19(2), April 2005: 93-111. Also reprinted in The Bioethics Casebook, Janet Dolgin and Lois Shepherd, eds. Greenwood, 2005, and Wolters Kluwer, 2009.

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