How do I declare a major in religion?
Freshmen and sophomores with less than 52 earned credit hours must go to the Office of Undergraduate Studies (University Center A3400) or call 644-2451 to declare their major as religion.
Students with Upper Division Status (after completion of liberal studies requirements, CLAST and at least 52 credit hours) who wish to change their major to religion must:
- Obtain a signed approval form from the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences (110 Longmire Building).
- Obtain an approval signature on that form from the dean of the college or school from which the student wishes to transfer.
- Personally submit the original copy of the approved change form to the Office of the University Registrar.
Am I required to meet with the religion adviser before declaring the major?
Students are welcome to declare religion as a major before speaking with the religion adviser. However, the department of religion encourages students to set up an appointment with the religion adviser after declaring the major, to introduce themselves and briefly discuss their academic interests.
How often should I meet with the religion adviser?
The department recommends that students meet with their religion adviser once a semester and expects all students to do so at least once a year.
How do I declare a minor in religion?
Students who wish to declare a minor in religion should inform the college or school in which their major is housed.
Where can I find the academic map for the religion major?
Visit Please note: the academic map is intended only as a general guide and majors are strongly urged to discuss their plan of courses with the adviser.
What is a seminar and why is it required?
Seminars are courses with limited enrollment (usually no more than 25) that emphasize active and informed participation. In contrast to the traditional lecture format, the seminar format encourages students to learn from the creative insights that inevitably arise as a result of student interaction. Moreover, instructors in these courses are less likely to evaluate your work on the basis of exams than on the basis of in-class presentations and final seminar papers.
Insofar as successful completion of a seminar reflects a level of mastery beyond successful completion of lecture courses, all majors are required to take at least one course in a seminar format before graduation.
Can religion courses count for both liberal studies requirements and major requirements?
3 hours (one course) of major coursework may also be used to partially satisfy liberal studies (humanities) requirements.
Can religion courses count for both liberal studies requirements and minor requirements?
According to university regulations, no courses used in satisfying major, foreign language, or liberal studies requirements may also be counted toward the minor.
How do I fulfill the language requirement of the College of Arts and Sciences?
For more information, visit
Do Hebrew, Sanskrit, and/or Tibetan courses fulfill this language requirement?
As with Greek and Latin, Biblical Hebrew and Modern Hebrew can fulfill the foreign language requirement for the B.A. degree. To fulfill this requirement, students must complete one of the following course sequences:
- Greek: GRE 1120, GRE 1121, and GRE 2230
- Latin: LAT 1120, LAT 1121, and LAT 2230
- Biblical Hebrew: HEB 1120, HEB 1121, and HEB 2230
- Modern Hebrew: HBR 1120, HBR 1121, and HBR 2200
Because FSU at this time only offers two semesters of language instruction in Sanskrit and Tibetan, those courses cannot be used to fulfill the foreign language requirement for the B.A. degree.
When can I take 3000/4000-level courses?
Students are welcome to take 3000- and 4000-level courses at any point in their studies. However, we strongly encourage first- and second-year students to speak with the religion adviser about specific courses at those levels before registering.